2. General Network and Wallet Configuration

Table of Contents

For general purpose setups, we recommend a reduced complexity setup that looks as follows.

2.1. Set up

Graphene Architecture

We will work with the following IPs and open the corresponding RPC ports:

  • Trusted Full Node:

    • extern: internet access required

    • intern:

    • port: 8090

  • Wallet:

    • extern: no internet access required

    • intern:

    • port: 8092

2.2. Trusted Full Node

The trusted full node is your entry point to the Graphene P2P network. It will hold the blockchain, connect to other peers, and will receive new blocks in real-time.

For the trusted full node, the default settings can be used. For later, we will need to open the RPC port and listen to an IP address to connect the wallet to.

./programs/witness_node/witness_node --rpc-endpoint=""


A witness node is identical to a full node if no authorized block-signing private key is provided.

2.3. Wallet

We open up a RPC-JSON-HTTP port to be able to interface with API requests. The wallet can be connected to the trusted node and listens for RPC requests on port 8092 with:

./programs/cli_wallet/cli_wallet --server-rpc-endpoint="ws://" \


For security reasons, the wallet should only listen to localhost or the local network and should NEVER be exposed to the internet.

For customer withdrawals, we will interface to the wallet’s API using