Features: Broadcast and Transactions

Clients and Graphene blockchain network

In this section, we look into Graphene Blockchain transaction and the flow. The below image is simplified clients and nodes relations. And it shows two transactions occurred and nodes received the transactions.


On the Graphene blockchain, every node receives a transaction (1a&1b), locally validates its content and signature(2a&2b), and re-broadcasts to its connected peers(3a&3b). The connected peers could be another API node or witness node.

Block producer nodes (a.k.a. Active witness nodes) will sign blocks if it is their turn (time slot), produce a block(5b) and broadcast(6b) the block to its connected peers.

If other nodes receive the block, they attempt it to make their copy of the blockchain.

Block producing nodes provide the blockchain with signed (like to think about it as “certified”) blocks containing all new data that is previously submitted by account holders through API nodes.

Witnesses are selected based upon their commitment to remain neutral to blockchain policy. Image, for extremely important contracts, a public notify is sometimes used. Neither witnesses nor notaries are party to the contract, but they serve a very important role of certifying the the contract was signed by the specified individuals at the specifies time.

In Graphene witnesses serve a similar role of validating signatures and time-stamping transactions by including them in blocks.

Broadcast transaction methods

Network_broadcast_api has methods to broadcast transactions. Those methods are broadcast_transaction and broadcast_transaction_with_callback.


Broadcast a transaction to the network. The transaction will be checked for validity in the local database prior to broadcasting. If it fails to apply locally, an error will be thrown and the transaction will not be broadcast.

void network_broadcast_api::broadcast_transaction(const signed_transaction& trx)
   if( _app.p2p_node() != nullptr )

This version of broadcast transaction registers a callback method that will be called when the transaction is included into a block. The callback method includes the transaction id, block number, and transaction number in the block.

void network_broadcast_api::broadcast_transaction_with_callback(confirmation_callback cb, const signed_transaction& trx)
   _callbacks[trx.id()] = cb;
   if( _app.p2p_node() != nullptr )

Example implementations of broadcast transaction

In a Wallet plugin, we can find many methods that use broadcast_transaction. There are example implementation patterns we can see and learn from. The below are the examples.

Pattern (1)

     signed_transaction trx;
     trx.operations = {op};
     set_operation_fees( trx, _remote_db->get_global_properties().parameters.current_fees);

     return sign_transaction(trx, broadcast);

Before the end of method;

  1. signed_transaction instance is created

  2. Set an operation

  3. Set set_operation_fee

  4. validate the instance

and use sign_transaction with the instance and broadcast flag to get a return.

signed_transaction sign_transaction

Given a fully-formed transaction that is only lacking signatures, this signs the transaction with the necessary keys and optionally broadcasts the transaction.

  • @param tx the unsigned transaction

  • @param broadcast true if you wish to broadcast the transaction

  • @return the signed version of the transaction

  • Other methods that have the same pattern (wallet.cpp)

    • transfer_to_blind

    • propose_builder_transaction

    • propose_builder_transaction2

    • upgrade_account

    • create_asset

    • update_asset

    • update_asset_issuer

    • update_bitasset

    • update_asset_feed_producers

    • publish_asset_feed

    • fund_asset_fee_pool

    • claim_asset_fee_pool

    • reserve_asset

    • global_settle_asset

    • settle_asset

    • bid_collateral

    • whitelist_account

    • create_committee_member

    • create_witness

    • update_witness

    • create_worker

    • update_worker_votes

    • withdraw_vesting

    • vote_for_committee_member

    • vote_for_witness

    • set_voting_proxy

    • set_desired_witness_and_committee_member_count

    • sell_asset

    • borrow_asset

    • borrow_asset_ext

    • cancel_order

    • transfer

    • issue_asset

    • propose_parameter_change

    • propose_fee_change

    • approve_proposal

Pattern (2)

signed_transaction tx;
// do something...
if( broadcast )
      _remote_net_broadcast->broadcast_transaction( tx );

return tx;

Before the end of method,

  1. signed_transaction instance is created,

  2. (do something…)

  3. check broadcast flag

  4. if broadcast=rue, send the instance by broadcast_transaction

and return the instance.

  • Other methods that have the same pattern (wallet.cpp)

    • register_account

    • create_account_with_private_key

    • sign_transaction

    • blind_transfer_help

Transactions and block

Blocks are produced by witnesses. Each block contains more than one transaction. Each transaction can contain more than one operation. And each operation has a “fee” element and other elements. You can find the information about block structure here.

You can see that each operation has own fee_parameter_type definition and calculates the fee. About the “fee” is another big topic. We would like to visit it in another section.

What is a transaction in Graphene blockchain? Well, you might say “group of operations”. That’s true also. We have implemented almost fifty operation types. You can find Graphene blockchain operations list here.

Protocols (transactions)

There are protocols to build up Graphene blockchain components and systems. A protocol is a set of rules. It might be a good idea to know what types of protocols (rules) Graphene blockchain has.


All transactions are sets of operations that must be applied atomically.

  • Transactions must refer to a recent block that defines the context of the operation so that they assert a known binding to the object id’s referenced in the transaction.

  • Read more Protocol: transaction


It captures the result of evaluating the operations contained in the transaction.

  • When processing a transaction some operations generate new object IDs which they are not permanent and these IDs can not be known until the transaction is actually included into a block that has become irreversible.

  • When a block is produced these new IDs are captured and included with every transaction. The index in operation_results should correspond to the same index in operations. If an operation did not create any new object IDs then 0 should be returned.

struct processed_transaction : public signed_transaction
  processed_transaction( const signed_transaction& trx = signed_transaction() )
                 : signed_transaction(trx){}

  vector<operation_result> operation_results;

  digest_type merkle_digest()const;

The Graphene Transaction Proposal Protocol. Graphene allows users to propose a transaction which requires approval of multiple accounts in order to execute.

  • (**researching.)