
If you hold some GPH tokens, you are considered a GPH Holder of the Graphene business and thus have a say in where it should be heading in future. As a GPH Holder you can cast a vote for three different entities within the network:

Block producers

Block producers bundle transactions into blocks and sign them with their signing key. These so called witnesses keep the blockchain alive by producing one block every few seconds and get paid by newly issued GPH shares similar to Bitcoin. Their second job is to produce reliable and accurate price feeds for the smartcoins.

Committee Members

Committee Members govern the blockchain and the business parameters, and define the transaction fees.


Workers are freelancers or businesses that provide a non-profitable service for the Graphene ecosystem. Essentially, they apply for a job in the ecosystem by providing actual work and get paid accordingly (if the GPH Holders approve).

Since voting might be a too time-consuming task for many GPH Holders, Graphene offers them a way to delegate their voting power to so called proxies. The sole purpose of proxies is to follow the ecosystem and be vote according to their followers. This is similar to many political votes where citizens vote for representatives which vote on their behalf.

Voting itself is very simple with the User interface and requires only a few clicks.

Voting by using Graphene UI

You can cast your vote or set your proxy by Graphene User interface.

Open the side dropdown menu and select [Voting]

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Setting a proxy

The picture below shows how to set your trusted proxy:

  1. Type a proxy name

  2. Click [SAVE]

  3. Login to a wallet if you have not logged in

  4. Confirm the Transaction

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Voting for Witness, Committee Member or Worker

If you have not set a proxy, you can cast your own vote for witnesses, committee members or workers.

  1. Select a Witnesses, Committee, or Workers tab

  2. Click and check TOGGLE VOTE

  3. Click [SAVE]

  4. Login to a wallet if you have not logged in

  5. (vote for each entity)