
Merchants make use of the currency-denomintated assets of a Graphene network (e.g. Graphene). Similar to traditional payment solutions they let their customers pay using bitUSD, bitEUR, or any other stable blockchain asset.

We here illustrate the steps necessary to securely operate as merchant. Merchants take funds from customers on the blockchain and deliver a good. Hence, a merchant should monitor the blockchain and be notified on incoming transactions. Thanks to (encrypted) transaction memos attachable to each transfer the merchant can easily distinguish different customers.

For exchanges we recommend to also read what-is-different and Often used API Calls.


Wallet Login Protocol

The idea behind the login protocol is to allow another party to verify that you are are the owner of a particular account. Traditionally login is performed via a password that sent to the server, but this method is subject to Phishing Attacks. Instead of a password, Graphene uses a cryptographic challenge/response to verify that a user controls a particular account.

In this example, we assume

A Merchant Provides a login button (on an application page) for a user.


Step 1 - Merchant Login Button

A login button links to${args}.

${args} : A JSON object containing following information and serialized as described below (step 2 & step 3)

   "onetimekey" : "${SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY}",
   "account"  : "${OPT_ACCOUNT_NAME}",
   "callback" : ""

The merchant server will need to save the ${SERVER_PRIVATE_KEY} associated with the ${SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY} in the user’s web session in order to verify the login.

Step 2 - Compress your JSON representation

Using LZMA-JS library to compress the JSON into a binary array. This will be the most compact form of the data. After running the compression the example JSON was reduced to 281 bytes from 579 bytes.

Step 3 - Convert to Base58

Using the bs58 library encode the compressed data in base58. Base58 is URL friendly and size efficient. After converting to base58 the string will be 385 characters which can easily be passed in a URL and easily support much larger invoices.

Step 4 - Wallet Confirmation

When the user loads${args} they will be prompted to confirm the login request by selecting an account that they wish to login with. If “account” was specified in the ${args} then it will default to that account.

After the account is identified enough keys to authorize a account must participate in the login process in the following way.

  • The wallet generates a WALLET_ONETIMEKEY and derives a shared secret

with the SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY provided by the via ${args}. - This shared secret is a provably “random” 512 bits of data that is only known to the wallet at this point in time. - The wallet then gathers signatures on the shared secret from enough keys to authorize the account. - In the simple case this will be a single signature, but in more complex cases multi-factor authentication may be required.

After gathering all of the signatures the wallet redirects the user to${result} where result is an encoded JSON object containing the following information:

   "account": "Graphene Account Name",
   "server_key": "${SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY}",
   "account_key": "${WALLET_ONETIMEKEY}",
   "signatures" : [ "SIG1", "SIG2", .. ]

Step 5 - Server Verifies Authority

Upon receiving the result from the wallet, will lookup {SERVER_PRIVATE_KEY} in the user’s session data and then combine it with {WALLET_ONETIMEKEY} to generate the shared secret that was used by the wallet. +

Once this shared secret has been recovered, it can be used to recover the public keys that correspond to the provided signatures.

The last step is to verify that the public keys provided by the signatures are sufficient to authorize the account given the current state of the graphene blockchain. This can be achieved using the witness API call:

verify_account_authority( account_name_or_id, [public_keys...] )

The verify_account_authority call will return true if the provided keys have sufficient authority to authorize the account, otherwise it will return false

Wallet Merchant Protocol

How maintain user and merchant privacy from the wallet provider which should never have direct access to the invoice data.

In this example, we assume

Privacy Concerns

The goal of this protocol is to maintain user and merchant privacy from the wallet provider which should never have direct access to the invoice data.

To securely pass data from to the javascript wallet hosted at, the data will have to be passed after the #. Assuming the wallet provider is not serving up pages designed to compromise your privacy, only your web browser will have access to the invoice data.

Step 1: Define your Invoice via JSON

This invoice provides all of the data needed by the wallet to display an invoice to the user.

   "to" : "merchant_account_name",
   "to_label" : "Merchant Name",
   "memo" : "Invoice #1234",
   "currency": "GPH",
   "line_items" : [
        { "label" : "Something to Buy", "quantity": 1, "price" : "1000.00 SYMBOL" },
        { "label" : "10 things to Buy", "quantity": 10, "price" : "1000.00 SYMBOL" },
        { "label" : "User Specified Price", "quantity": 1, "price" : "CUSTOM SYMBOL" },
        { "label" : "User Asset and Price", "quantity": 1, "price" : "CUSTOM" }
    "note" : "Something the merchant wants to say to the user",
    "callback" : ""

By itself this data is 579 characters which after URL encoding is 916 characters, with a 2000 character limit this approach doesn’t scale as well as we would like.

Step 2: Compress your JSON representation

Using LZMA-JS library to compress the JSON into a binary array. This will be the most compact form of the data.

(e.g.) After running the compression the example JSON was reduced to 281 bytes from 579 bytes.

Step 3: Convert to Base58

Using the bs58 library encode the compressed data in base58. Base58 is URL friendly and size efficient.

(e.g.) After converting to base58 the string will be 385 characters which can easily be passed in a URL and easily support much larger invoices.

Step 4: Pass to Wallet

Once the Base58 data is known, it can be passed to the wallet with the following URL::

Step 5: Receive Callback from Wallet

After the wallet has signed a transaction, broadcast it, and gotten confirmation from that the transaction was included in block 12345 as transaction 4 wallet will direct the user to

The merchant will then request that transaction from which will respond with the transaction that was included in the blockchain. The merchant will decrypt the memo from the transaction and use memo content to confirm payment for the invoice.

Step 6: Payment Complete

At this point the user has successfully made a payment and the merchant has verified the payment has been received without having to maintain a full node.

Example Python script

import json
import lzma
from graphenebase.base58 import base58encode, base58decode
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify

invoice = {
    "to": "grapheneeurope",
    "to_label": "Graphene Europre",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "memo": "Invoice #1234",
    "line_items": [
        {"label": "Something to Buy", "quantity": 1, "price": "10.00"},
        {"label": "10 things to Buy", "quantity": 10, "price": "1.00"}
    "note": "Payment for reading awesome documentation",
    "callback": ""

compressed = lzma.compress(bytes(json.dumps(invoice), 'utf-8'), format=lzma.FORMAT_ALONE)
b58 = base58encode(hexlify(compressed).decode('utf-8'))
url = "" % b58
